Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm calling this "Ruminations" because having a cohesive, well thought out blog is too much pressure. At my advanced age - almost impossible, since there is a lot going on in the old noggin (see-I used the word "noggin")
What's been on my mind lately is that sometimes I feel like something has been put over on me. I keep reading about ethical people and how they are admired and then I see how the world is and I feel like I'm an idiot to buy into the mythology of being good. -and what is good anyway_- Where do we practice goodness? In a place of worship? As an atheist, my blood curdles at the thought. Of course, good works are done through church ladies and such. But, then there are the cruel and ubiquitous scam artists that call themselves God's interpreters. Pedophile priests, mysogenous imams inciting murder, the crazies who believe in creationism, you know the drill.
So then I look at charity work. There are lots of people doing good works through charities. They give great parties and raise money from the rich so the rich can move in the right circles. I believe the Ins call the Outs Strivers. Anyway, young idealists go out in the trenches and do some good.
There are some grownups who are idealists. Or are they fools. No. I can't believe that. Did you read "Three Cups of Tea"? That is a good man. (so sorry, I forgot his name) He was instrumental in building schools for GIRLS and boys. Great until the crazies tore the schools down and beat the shit out of little girls. I hope he hasn't lost hope and become a griper like me.

1 comment:

  1. I'm reading this about a year later (Dec. 23, 2010) and I'm thinking...this was the first inkling of my charity event for Greg Mortensen's organization Central Asia Institute. Yes, Greg Mortensen is the man's name. Now he's written another book - Stones to Schools. And I've raised some money for them. So, a candle in the dark and all that miracle stuff. I feel better.
