Friday, November 27, 2009

ruminations 2

so now I'm reading about soldiers coming home from tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan- in Time mag. -with serious PTSD.; sometimes Murder and suicide being a consequence. Then I read about the pending deployment of 30-35,000 troops to the festering wound that is now AFgh.

I hear stories about a compromise on health reform where the insurance companies we all love to hate get more customers and there is no coverage for abortion or immigrants even if they want to pay. - Orwellian, Kafkaesque. The world as it is.

Then there's the Wall Street mega captains that have gotten away with 100's of millions on their way out the door from exploding Lehman's and Bear Stearns. WTF! Explain yourself, Tomfoolery Timmy G.

I want to commend Bill Maher for being the first to raise the alarm on Obama. We thought he was the answer and now we see he's a capitulator. Ariana Huffington, I didn't want to admit it, but now I see what you saw early on. Rachel Maddow, it wasn't just a "feminist" issue. I'm sorry about thinking that of you. Michael Moore, you keep trying to open our eyes.
Once again, corporate America is having its way with us. And not just the little guy; it's the stockholders that went along for the ride as long as the arrow on the graph pointed up, and the poor schmucks who wanted to cash in on the ride by mortgaging their homes. OOps.
whatever, i'm tired.
No wonder people die in old age. How can we go on seeing how it's turned out?

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